More than 50 years of experience speak a world of words.
Since 1966 Sinan Tevetoğlu who received his secondary education at the German School in Istanbul has been bringing Germans and Turks closer together in questions of communication. What began as a side job during his studies – Tevetoğlu is a Construction Engineer with a German Diplom-degree and translated parallel to his studies at the Technical University of Darmstadt - has always been the passion he realized. In 1986, 14 years after receiving his official recognition as an certified translator and interpreter, Tevetoğlu Translation Agency has become his profession.
Eight years later Sinan Tevetoğlu became a member of the State Examiners Board. He is also a member of the Federal Association of Inpertreters and Translators (BDÜ e.V.).
Beyond „Turkish-German“ and „German -Turkish“ his agency naturally offers other translation and interpreter services from and to almost all the languages of the world. Translating a Somalian marriage certificate into German? The German advertising brochure into English? Or a website into several languages? For the more than 1200 freelance staff of Tevetoğlu Translation Agency no problem!
Private customers, corporations and judicial agencies alike have been helped by Tevetoğlu Translation Agency to remove written or verbal language barriers. Quickly, dependably and at a fair price.