International Competence - Tevetoğlu Translation Agency supports communication across multiple languages.
Public records, certificates, diplomas, contracts, legal decrees, operating manuals, advertising copy, expert appraisals, handbooks, flyers, annual reports, brochures, homepages:In today's world communication is maintained in very diverse media. If this is to work in different languages it can get complicated.Tevetoğlu Translation Agency bridges these language barriers. Thanks to many years of experience and our competent staff we can translate your documents and texts rapidly at a fair price.Through the various areas of expertise of our freelance staff we are able to accurately translate special texts such as excerpts from the Commercial Registry, license contracts or annual reports directly by lawyers. But engineers, technicians, chemists, medical personnel and translators from many other fields of expertise are also working for Tevetoğlu as translators and interpretors.